
Daybreak! #1-4

Created by New Pain Productions

The double-sized conclusion to the critically acclaimed saga of Daybreak! Plus, new backers can acquire the complete series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Do you miss Daybreak yet?
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 06:22:14 AM


I talked to several Daybreak! readers this past weekend at a comic con in Massachusetts that REALLY enjoyed the series all us created together. Several of you have left comments or sent emails expressing the same sentiment and I want to say thanks again for the kind reactions. There's a lot of creative second guessing and insecurity involved while making these books in a vacuum so it's really a relief to feel we haven't let you guys down. 

Long story short (and I haven't really talked to Stefan about his schedule or interest yet), I've decided to do more. I really enjoy writing all the characters in the Daybreak! universe (The Custodian is my fave) and there's a lot more story to tell that isn't going to tell itself. 

We've been working behind-the-scenes to plan out the remastered, possibly hardcover edition of the first series and that seems an ideal way to include some kind of new material, maybe a short story, to set the stage for the crazy sh*t that's gonna happen next. 

So if you miss Daybreak the same way I kinda do, hang in there. The gears are lurching into motion. And in the meantime, our girl pops up on the cover and inside The Official Handbook Of The New Pain Universe and will also have a cameo in the third issue of NPC JUMP, (if the campaign that just launched for the 2nd issue funds, knock on wood), to hold us over. 

If you want to check it out, just click this image.

Thanks for the encouragement, Daymakers. We'll try not to let you down on the next one.

Your pal,

Keith Champagne .

The final digital reward links!
3 months ago – Tue, May 28, 2024 at 05:49:12 AM

Good morning, Daymakers! Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. 

We're very happy to send out the final digital rewards for the Daybreak! #4 campaign this morning, the ashcan preview editions of two upcoming New Pain projects: THE DEFENSE and TOMORROW. Here's a link to download:

We've also moved the Daybreak! #1 motion comic by the mad geniuses at Bewildered Biscuit Productions into that folder. If you missed it the first time around, who says life never gives you a second chance? 

Aside from these digital ashcans, the remaining original art rewards have been sent out and tracking shows that all the jigsaw puzzles and mouse pads have shipped. Barring any backers that straggle their way in, that pretty much wraps up fulfillment for the final(?) issue of Daybreak's series. Kind of sad to see it end, not gonna lie. Maybe we'll have to make more sometime. There are definitely some deliberately-open ended plot threads left to explore... 

But in the meantime, thanks again for supporting the series. It was a real gamble to release it on Kickstarter, not to mention roughly 63.3X the work but it's been an amazing experience to see the book find its loyal audience. 

If you'd like to check out New Pain's newest project, our latest crowdfunding campaign for THE KEITH WILLIAMS SKETCHBOOK launched this morning. Aside from his legendary career as an inker for Marvel, Keith is an all around art machine and one of the nicest guys in comics (maybe THE nicest). It's been a lot of fun planning and designing (thanks, PHIL SMITH!) his first sketchbook. If it sounds like your cup of tea, take a spin over here and let the good times roll!

And later this summer will be another TWO-IN-ONE campaign featuring the 2nd issue of NPC JUMP and the first OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE NEW PAIN UNIVERSE. Talk about a lot of work putting something together, these handbooks are migraine inducing. What were we thinking?!

Thanks for everything, guys. Enjoy the ashcans!

Your bestie,

Keith Champagne

DAYBREAK! #1 motion comic download!
4 months ago – Thu, May 16, 2024 at 07:10:52 AM


The big moment has arrived! The Bewildered Biscuiteers delivered the finalized version of the Daybreak! #1 motion comic to us last night. I watched it this morning (it's been really fun watching the development and different iterations along the way) and I don't know why these guys say they're bewildered. Clearly, they know exactly what they're doing!

But don't take my word for it, CHECK IT OUT HERE!

If you'd like to learn more about Bewildered Biscuit, hit up their website and keep an eye out; they're a talented group. 


I had hoped to also send out the digital stretch goal today but am still waiting on a final page of color art. The colorist broke his ankle a few weeks ago which is an injury I can certainly empathize with. But as soon as it comes in, we'll get that download out to you too. 

The jigsaw puzzles and mouse pads have been ordered and should be shipping out to applicable backers in the next few days so keep an eye out. And most of you should have gotten your Daybreak! #4 packages already. I imagine our international backers are still waiting for a bit but everything has been shipped out and several of you have given us a glowing review for the big finale. We hope the rest of you enjoy it; let us know what you think!


KEITH WILLIAMS is one of my favorite people in the comic book industry and also one of the nicest people I know (the Venn diagram on those two things is, like, one circle). He's seen it all and done it all in his 40-plus year career in comics, starting as a Romita Raider at Marvel, inking tons of titles and pencilers for the big 2 (love his work over John Byrne, personally) and penciling/inking/lettering his own projects, such as the legendary Phantom. All with a smile on his face. 

We're really happy to be able to put out a collection of Keith's personal sketches and artwork in our first 64-page sketchbook edition! 

cover not final

The campaign is being finalized this week and you'll hear more about it when we launch in 2-3 weeks. We're hoping for a successful campaign, not only because Keith deserves it but because we'd love to put out sketchbooks for many of our favorite artists. So...fingers crossed!

Thanks for everything, guys. Enjoy the motion comic. I sure as f*ck did!

Your bestie,

Keith Champagne

Overdue update!
4 months ago – Mon, May 06, 2024 at 10:03:22 AM


Apologies for the radio silence. Over the last three weeks, I've been crushed under a hard deadline, two convention appearances and a daytrip to Tennessee to sign everyone's copies of our 4th issue. 

Which, to be honest, was exhausting. 

I had hoped to be able to meet a couple of backers in person but was on the ground in Knoxville for three hours total over the course of a 17-hour day of travel. 

Have sharpie, will travel!

Even though all the travel made me feel old and tired, the whole experience did feel like a bit of an adventure and, while this will likely be a "one time only" stretch goal, it was a fun day in its own way. And the least I could do to as a personal way to thank you all for supporting this project. 

Roughly half of the books, signed.

I messaged with the print house this morning to see where things are at in terms of fulfillment, we've drifted into May a bit as you may have noticed. I'm told all the other non-fourth issue books have been printed and 90% of the packages are put together. It seems like everything should be finished and put into the mail by the end of the week.  If that changes, I'll let you guys know!

I also saw the )90% complete) motion comic adaption of Daybreak! #1 about a week ago. I'm really happy with it. The Bewildered Biscuits are putting the finishing touches to the music and timing and I'm told to expect the finished project on the 15th. We will disseminate the motion comic and remaining digital rewards/stretch goals at the same time as the motion comic. So hang in there, we're almost done!


This Saturday, a handful of the New Pain monkeys will have a joint appearance at MOST WANTED COMICS in Bloomington, Minnesota! If you're in the area or are a multimillionaire jetsetter and want to fly in, we hope you'll come by for some freebies, sketches, prints and chatter (join in the live podcast!), maybe a couple of laughs and some inside scoop on New Pain projects. It's difficult to comprehend how handsome Robb Miller is until you see him in person, that alone is worth the drop by. 

We're very grateful for our pals at Most Wanted for organizing New Pain Day and hope to make it a successful day for the store. Hope to see a bunch of you from Minnesota on Saturday. 

That's all for now, fellas. Back soon with any further news!

Your bestie,

Keith Champagne

Complete Daybreak digital reward (DOWNLOAD HERE)
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 10:08:04 AM

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